This is a discussion to host major relevant special materials, unique to the setting, developed by players or available within the world, with the intent to foster interactivity amidst factions with trade and competitivity for said exclusive materials.
CGRP Official Special Materials

This list is meant to aggregate and classify all unique and relevant materials found in the CG-RP Roleplay Community, identifying them by the nature of their creation, their usages, and who currently uses them.
Additively, materials may be merged if they follow the same functions, allowing multiple people to use more commonly available materials, solidifying them into the setting, preventing the trope of “Rare crystals”, as well as promoting unique and lorebuilt materials made by different Rp’ers.
Creation types:
Natural: Materials that are formed naturally, whether in their refined or raw state.
Artificial: Materials never or extremely rarely seen in nature, created by artificial processes.
Unique: Materials whose creation process is lost, or whose natural forming process does not happen anymore, or governed by their own specific rules, these may be irreproducible, strictly tied to unique events, and NOT inherent to starting factions.
Characteristics types:
Energetic: Types of matter whose applications are directly tied to the production, storage, or release of energy. Materials used in batteries, generators, explosives, fuels, and whatnot are in this category.
Mechanical: Materials used for their mechanical property, whether it be in armor, weaponry, munitions, or special applications such as electrical or thermal conductivity.
Esoteric: Materials related to Esoteric usages, such as those materials that tie in with the usage of magic, psychics, soul manipulation, or dimensional operations.
Creation: Natural, artificial.
Characteristics: Energetic.
Found in: Convergence Points, high-energy phenomena.
Market status: Widespread.
Uses: Allows for the ease of FTL travel as well as the creation of metamaterials and tachyon generation.
A white shimmering liquid in its pure state, and a purple gas in its impure state, Intermatter comes exclusively from Convergence Points and the dimension that they intersect with. Intermatter is the manifestation of raw and pure unorganized energy, as if the quantum foam of the laws of the universe gained shape and became tangible as unknown dimensions scraped by each other, it can be seen as a “stem cell” for other types of matter. As such, its decay is highly energetic and radioactive, being able to create various types of exotic particles. Its predictability in decay patterns becomes a backbone to many exotic-material industries or operations. It can also be created artificially in high-energy phenomena with enough strength to deform the fabric of spacetime, rendering it a material with a high cost of artificial production. Intermatter is vital for space travel as it allows for FTL travel to be possible on a feasible scale. Intermatter prices will thus affect the cost of any space travel and affect the galactic economy. A certain purity of intermatter can be used to fuel heavy fusion reactions that produce tachyons for transport or for weaponry. This form of intermatter is formed in intermatter stars and fuels their internal fusion.

Creation: Natural.
Characteristics: Energetic, mechanical.
Found in: Large stars, neutron stars, accretion discs, supershells.
Market status: Limited.
Uses: Handling large amounts of energy. Can be used for batteries or reactive armour. They are also highly explosive when storing high amounts of energy.
These large crystals are formed in the supernova of stars, or especially large stellar bodies. Their extremely compressed internal structure allows for interesting mechanical properties, as well as the efficient storage and handling of large quantities of energy, a side effect from the massive radiation burst or prolonged radiation they endure in their creation process. While Bastonia has a relatively large Stellarite industry, only the Ascendant Dawn sells Stellarite on the open market in low quantities.
Creation: Artificial.
Characteristics: Energetic.
Produced by: Musavian Republic of Independent Systems.
Market status: Closed.
Uses: Industrial and military applications such as energy generation and highly potent explosives.
These compounds are extremely energetic in nature and are used from explosives in warfare to mining and various types of fuels for reactors. They are named after and created via the Hyperatomic process, where a matrix of highly specific and confidential energetic composites gets compressed into a stable superstate, elevating its energetic density to extreme levels whilst keeping it stable enough to be useful in general applications. Only the MRIS possesses hyperatomic anvils that can produce hyperatomics. Hyperatomic detonations rival that of even antimatter and has bizarre consequences on reality. Hyperatomic explosions are so powerful that they cause spacetime distortions that interfere with any type of faster-than-light technology. Due to this, the few users of hyperatomics have heavy restrictions on their military use.
Bedryllium, Hexaquark matter
Creation: Artificial, natural.
Characteristics: Energetic.
Produced by: GBE.
Found in: Cracked worlds in the territories of the United Dominions of Man.
Market status: Closed.
Uses: Hexaquarks are used as fuel in quark-fusion reactors and quark-fusion warheads, which are higher energy than their nuclear equivalents.
Hexaquark matter can be found as a material know as D-star dibaryons. Hexaquarks can be found naturally in trace amounts in certain locations where Vox’Urah used superweapons to crack planets. In its natural state d-star hexaquarks are called bedryllium. Only a couple of kilos can be mined per cracked planet making it exceptionally hard to get when not using artificial means. Stable hexaquarks are created using a complex array of particle accelerators to smash particles together. When put under extreme pressure, heat and collisions with other hexaquarks, hexaquark matter can undergo quark fusion, a fusion that releases many times more energy than nuclear fusion. This makes hexaquarks a fuel for advanced fusion drives and explosives. Currently, only the GBE possesses the particle acceleration facilities to merge protons and neutrons into hexaquarks.

Creation: Artificial.
Characteristics: Mechanical.
Produced by: Various industrial factions.
Market status: Open.
Uses: reducing diffraction in lasers and particle beams increasing their range. Trelaque is also vital in redirecting tachyons for tachyonic weapons and transport. Tachyonic beacons or nodes use Treaque crystals to control the direction of the flow of tachyons and create own smaller tachyon currents.
Trelaque crystals are artificial focusing crystals that are precisely constructed atom-by-atom over the course of months or years, depending on the efficiency, with the help of quantum computing complexes. They are dense and appear black from all angles but the entry and exit points. The crystals allow for lasers and particle weapons to reach long range and be effective at medium range. Trelaque, or similarly constructed crystals, are essential for redirecting tachyons from tachyon currents, to tachyonic weaponry or tachyon nodes.

Creation: Natural.
Characteristics: Energetic, mechanical.
Found in: In quark-fusion stars, Celeritas Asterism.
Market status: open
Uses: higg-figrons are infused with tachyon sails and act as fuel to allow the sails to catch tachyons. They can also be infused into solar sails to increase their effectiveness. Gravitic drives also use them to create localized knots of gravity. Tachyon weapons require higgs-figrons for the tachyons to gain mass and deal damage. They may also be used to have lasers gain kinetic energy and for generating hardlight for longer periods and under easier.
The higgs-figron is a particle that can add mass to other particles by ‘jumping’ to closeby matter. They enable certain particles to interact with gravity. Higgs-figrons are emitted from highly energetic quark-fusion stars due to the added pressure allowing quarks to fuse. They are harvested from such stars by throwing up solar matter with particle beams and seeping the higgs-figrons out of the matter. Higgs-figrons are vital for tachyon sails, tachyon weapons and gravitic technology. Though due to the difficulty of harvesting them, they are quite valuable. The Celeritas Asterism is where most of it is harvested from. It is so abundant there that it permeates through the Asterism's space, causing anomalies and disease. While anyone is allowed to enter the Asterism and harvest higgs-figrons, the nations of the Asterism heavily tax outsiders. The Denarian Continuum is the largest exporter of higgs-figrons and controls a significant share of the market.

Creation: Natural.
Characteristics: Mechanical.
Found in: Convergence Points and The Hollow Reach.
Market status: Limited.
Uses: Lucium can be used to make powerful EMP warheads and to make stable, highly-dense armour.
Lucium is a shimmering, or glowing metal that has a concentration in muons caused and stabilized by spacetime distortion pressing the particle compositions of material into itself. Lucium is caused by high exposure to Intermatter and the subsequent radiation bombardment of normal matter. The nature of Lucium’s composition allows it to be infused into warheads for heavy EMP effects or to make advanced alloys that are extremely dense. However, there’s no way to be able to insert and track normal matter in the convergence points. The only reliable way to harvest Lucium is by extracting it from wrecks of ships and other contructions which are in abundance in the Convergence Points.

Creation: Natural, Artificial.
Characteristics: Esoteric.
Found in: Locations of importance in relation to the material’s essence composition.
Market Status: Inexistent.
Uses: The Twelve Outer Materials are combinations of the six core essences of the Prisca Theologia. These materials cover a wide basis of usage in almost all manners of esoteric processes and are highly sought after by those keen on magic.
Producing such materials is commonplace, though the process varies in difficulty, all can be created by artificial, magical means. A few of them may be found in the wild, generally within places of great importance, or of tremendous usage of esoteric abilities, which populates the environment with rich essences that slowly accumulate into a predictable set of materials.
For more information consult the Prisca Theologia magic system: Prisca Theologia
Creation: Natural.
Characteristics: Mechanical.
Found in: Planets with heavy volcanic activity.
Market status: Widespread.
Uses: Ytrite can be used for increasing the tensile strength of armour as a part of alloys. It is electrically conducting and can be processed to become highly magnetic.
An element that naturally forms into tubes as opposed to crystalline lattices. Commonly found in alloys with Aluminum and other common metals. Ytrite, on its home planet of Curos, is a natural liquid, with a low melting point and a high boiling point. It also is an extremely efficient conductor and is magnetic. It has a very high tensile strength and, over time, forms natural meshes with itself and other metals to form alloyed meshes. Ytrite has difficulties handling high shock impacts. With heavy processing, Ytrite-based alloys can be made into highly magnetic materials. Ytrite can also be used to improve on electromagnetically accelerated weapons.