This is a discussion to host the Official CGRP "Claimed Territory" Map with its factions and NPCs, as well as the unique locations that are inserted within said map, being a product of the lore of various community members or relevant to future or past arcs and events.

The Core:
Quadrant: Core
The Core of the Galaxy G-S16 is a place of myths, wonders, wars and history, once home to the infamous 'Bloodcult' and temporarily the fractal anomaly of the 'Delta', as well as the remains of several mysterious entities. The core has been shrouded in shadows ever since the Cults disappearance. Nobody can really tell for certain what is transpiring within as nobody has ever returned from its confines. Though ever since the recent invasions of the beasts from the portals something seemed to be stirring within.
The only thing visible from the exterior is the ultramassive black hole and its iconic fiery rims, as well as the large geometry that surged and swallowed the Delta-made “Storm”.

The Celeritas Asterism:
Quadrants: IQ-3, EQ-4, R-4
The Celeritas Asterism, also known as just the Asterism, is a thin stretch of quark-fusion stars that are especially visible in the night sky of most worlds. The Asterism stretches almost from Core to the galaxy's outer rim, blocking travel due to the presence of interdiction bubbles and gravity wells appearing due to the nature of quark-fusion stars. The quark-fusion stars fill the space of the Asterism with an abundance of higgs-figrons. This causes tachyon sails and solar sails to increase in efficiency. Though the higgs-figrons also cause heavier radiation and tachyon bombardment. Together with gravitic knots and interdiction fields being created, the Asterism is a hazardous area to cross even in FTL-transit. Travelling close to quark-fusion stars in the Asterism increases the risk of space-diseases due to heavier radiation and tachyon poisoning. There is however a way to cross it safely. The Hermedian Gate lies at the centre of the Asterism and is the safest way to pass through the Asterism if you are willing to pay the Denarian Continuum, who control the Hermedian Gate through the Gatekeeper System, located at the very mouth of the Gate. A few sovereign nations lie on the Asterism. These nations specialise in the profitable export of higgs-figron-infused fuels. Private harvesters and foreign corporations are allowed to harvest from the quark-fusion stars too, though under heavy taxes.

Convergence Points and The Hollow Reach:
Hollow Reach Quadrant: EQ-7
Phenomena of the same nature - Convergence Points are very new regions within the galaxy that seem to display bizarre spacetime anomalies often congregating around shimmering, purplish gaseous clouds. What causes these to happen is unknown, but they meddle within the region’s FTL operations due to their large composition of exotic matter and high radioactive emissions. These are as despised as they are sought after, as their high exotic matter content attracts extraction, and fosters a trend in finding previously unknown systems of importance emerging from Convergence Points.
Perhaps the largest Convergence Point is the Hollow Reach, a large area with multiple of said pillars and dense with the shimmering gas. Like an FTL magnetic pole, it slightly bends superluminal travel even across great cosmical lengths. Near Convergence Points, and especially in proximity to the Hollow Reach, the fabric of spacetime is especially weak, experts claim that this weakness allows previously unknown dimensions to leak into the galaxy.
The Hollow Reach, an area of tremendous concentration of Convergence Points, is a phenomenon of unique scale and effects. Although located in EQ-7, its effects within the galactic regional FTL paths make it noticeable from almost all the corners of the galaxy. Its density of high-energy phenomena makes it a dangerous location to be close, irradiating the region and bombarding those that veer too close to it with exotic particles. Although its FTL meddling and dangerous composition makes it a hazardous location, it is often accessed by those that seek large bounties in the purest Intermatter as well as exotic materials, created by the severe radiation and the consistent collisions of cosmical objects within the purple haze of this anomaly.
Both Convergence Points and the Hollow Reach are widely procured for the harvesting of Intermatter, a valuable resource traded and used widely within the galaxy.

The Sun Singed Trade route:
Quadrants: R-8 through I.Q-1, I.Q4-, E.Q6 and ending in R-6
One of the longest trading routes in the entire galaxy, the Sun Singed Trade Route is a highway for commerce. It lies on a powerful tachyon current and has a network of well-placed FTL nodes. It passes and goes through a number of key commercial locations. Notably, the entirety of the Confederate League of Free Worlds lies on the trade route. The route is under the protection of the Redford Republic. However, they are incapable of effectively defending and enforcing Redford's interests on the route. The biggest threat on the route is the abundance of pirates and raiders. The sheer size of the trade route makes pirate suppression, let alone controlling the route, near impossible. Additionally, the third-party infrastructure on the route is unadvanced and crude. Great profit awaits those who tame the Sun Singed Trade Route.

Acari Mælstrom:
Quadrant: EQ-3
The Acari Mælstrom is the corpse of a long-dead constellation. The anomaly consists of 5 black hole singularities in terminal orbit around each other creating a vital point of study. While currently, only the Union of Judgement member states know of the location, its effects can be felt throughout the galaxy. The extreme gravitational fields interacting with each other often cause local alcubierre bubbles to be catapulted into space at random directions in groups. These alcubierre storms will shred any ship in its path until an interdiction field, varying from system-wide to sector-wide, forms due to decay, creating a hazard for even ships in FTL. They can last up to a couple of months at worst and can be found in any part of the galaxy. Naturally, the Acari Mælstrom is dangerous and requires constant interdiction and active shielding systems by the Union research vessels there.
Forge of Babel
Quadrant: R - 6, Redford capital system, outmost planet's moon
Forge of Babel, the one and only forge in the current G-S16 which isn't (exactly) a part of a larger nation. Having the ability to manufacture using any materials with zero waste, welcoming customers from any background, and the ability to simply craft top quality items with peak efficiency and, according to some customers, "witness actual magic when making the items", the Forge is frequently visited and receives large quantities and a variety of orders daily, ranging from kitchen appliances of average privateers, to recreating relics of lost empires and even tailor-made brand-new weapons. All it takes are the materials required to perform such manufacturing, the processing fee, and the blueprints of the desired item (if it is unconventional). Its aim, following the motto of its owner Dasha, "May all life enjoy their freedom and rights, Uphold by the adequate amount of power and justice". It continues to follow such principles and brought such convenient and cheap service to the general public, but sadly due to some untold circumstances recently, the Forge is closed for service, and will soon receive a reform in its operation.

The Dead Wastes and the Maw:
Quadrant: I.Q-2
The High Imperium’s territory was ravaged by war multiple times. The result is a dead waste of sterile planets and debris. Though some old imperium defensive installations and traps remain, ready to strike any unlucky traveller who ventures too deep into the Wastes. There are only a couple of habitable planets that are now guarded by former-Infinite Dominion warlords that stubbornly cling to their past. Dominion warlords who resort to crime and pirates plague the Dead Wastes and the areas around it.
In the very centre of the Wastes lies a tear to deep hyperspace that was created as the last reality editor destroyed itself. This tear is a miniature entry point to the Maw that once encompassed all of the Wastes. One must exercise extreme caution in the Maw as any object interacted with will be moved at FTL speeds relative to oneself. The Maw has an abundance of debris moving at extreme speeds at all times. While the Dead Wastes are a goldmine for any scraper. More sophisticated discoveries can be found by those who dare to venture into the Maw.

The Aftermath:
Quadrants: R-5, R-4, and EQ-4
A widespread collection of systems once inhabited by a nation long gone that was fought over in a war long forgotten. It is believed that the destruction of some terrible superweapon left the area in the sorry state it is in today. Nebulae of highly energetic and volatile clouds permeate the entire area, greatly restricting FTL travel and other high energy occurrences. However they also enrich the planets and asteroids with vast veins of raw, unrefined, and unstable magical materials, the kind of great interest to Aligned Theologists. The promise of these valued materials lures in many an intrepid adventurer, though few return. Those that do speak of strange creatures lurking around corners, and shifting terrain that changes when you're not looking…
Anvil Remnants:
Quadrant: R-6.
The remains of a colossal hypernova is what’s left of the once-megastructure “Anvil”. Led by cultists to its eventual collapse, the area is riddled with spacetime distortions, and glows violently towards the core of the collapse. Although initially thought of as simply the death of the megastructure, it has become evident that the site of the Remnants indicate that The Anvil’s purpose was much deeper than a simple production facility. Incursions within the centre of this anomaly yield a lucrative bluish metal with exclusive properties, but all have failed to pierce into the core of the detonation.
The Embassy:
Quadrant: IQ-1
The largest non-governmental body within the galaxy, it once held the majority of the political power concentrated within one unbreakable system, founded and defended by The Ambassador, built by the MISE and regulated by the other superpowers of the era, this once shining systems sustained by trade and politics has slowly been losing its grasp on power since the death of its main contributors. Despite that, it is still the greatest trade and political center within the galaxy.
GL&M Starcluster Gateway
Quadrant: R-2
The destroyed, and only, entrypoint to the GL&M Starcluster. The large gateway is made out of an unknown black material, which has proven to be tremendously resilient. It remains shattered regardless, after the MISE Schism claimed it, presumably it was broken by the mythical “Great Future” spaceship.
Still, the site is studied for the interesting properties of the material, which seems so far to reject any efforts to replicate it.