The silence lasted as Mainframes thoughts circulated, the only real sound was Halcyons silent breath and heartbeat just faintly louder than the eerie background hum permeating the impenetrable darkness around them. Once more, Halcyon was the first one to make a move, stepping further into the darkness, out of view though his voice still heard.
“Then what is what you want us to do?! What is this final trial, untouchable one?!”, strangely enough he was using the same term as the natives of the planet they just left.
“This place is a transitional area, a space between spaces, a Limbo of unfinished deeds, if you will.”
“What are you…?!”
Halcyon began his next question but was cut short by the disembodied voice.
"Both of you came seeking to fulfill their own wishes, each of you have their reasons, their history, niehter of you know each other particularly well.
…but I do.
So who am I to decide who is permitted to deink from the worlds desires? To claim the Chalice of Want?"
The voice was monotone and cold, as if the question was solely rhethorical, an afterthought to himself.
In the meanwhile the voice and the steps, now in the darkness had fallen silent.