Welcome to the Crossroads Galaxy Roleplay forums! Please follow these rules when posting:
1. No impersonation or misrepresentation - Do not impersonate other users or staff members. Do not misquote or misrepresent the words of someone else.
2. No offensive posts or usernames - Anything a reasonable person may find offensive.
3. No Spamming or "post farming" - Do not spam threads or spam comments without constructively adding to the conversation.
4. No harassment - No harassment (including and especially sexual harassment) of users, no matter what circumstances. Cursing at someone constitutes harassment.
5. No Gorey/Sexual/Scary content - Anything that contains gore or is sexual in any way and/or scary (such as screamer links) is strictly prohibited.
6. No advertising without authorization from a moderator
7. No spamming @mentions - Do not spam mentions of users in posts.
8. No hijacking threads - Do not post in an existing thread and change the topic. If you're having an unrelated issue, start a new thread.
9. Keep debates civil - Be respectful of others' opinions and viewpoints.
10. Do not harm or threaten anyone -- Do not DDoS, DOX, or in any way harm another member. Do not threaten to do any of those things.
11. Do not post content made by others without their permission. If someone else makes a ship, mod, or anything else, do not re-post it without their permission, even if you have modified it. That's copyright infringement, plain and simple.
12. Do not "necropost" in discussions that have not had a reply in over a month unless you have good reason to believe that your reply will be of interest to the original participants or you have good reason to need to get the attention of the original participants. It is almost always preferable to start a new thread instead. (Discussions that have been stickied by moderators are an exception to this rule; it is okay to reply to those discussions at any time as long as your reply is otherwise on-topic for the discussion.)
By posting in this forum you automatically agree to these rules. Violating these rules may get your account suspended or banned. These rules can be changed at any time without notice, and are open to interpretation by administrators.
Crossroads Galaxy Roleplay follows a three-strike penalty system, whilst crossing a rule the first time will result in a warning, when breaching the rules the second time, regardless the same rule or a different one, will result in a 24 hour suspension, as for the third strike, the offender would be permanently banned. Appeals against bans/kicks and even unjustified act of moderators can be made through direct messages with administrators and moderators via discord.