Brank Namek
With both the teams prepared, they were beckoned back towards a lower type of hangar through a relatively cramped elevator which chugged along surprisingly smoothly for the heavy industrial feel of the structure. The elevator appeared into a large hangar, not too dissimilar to the one that you parked your ships in, occupied with a few more BESOL employees that went around doing their tasks, almost all of them with some kind of bizarre augmentation that aided their work as much as made them interestingly weird.

Besides the ship, your Bio-Suits, as promised. They were larger than your bodies and opened like a gaping maw exposing a soft interior of some kind of pink-ish fabric, the external was made of the white plates similar to many other things, a BioMetallic analogue to metal or steel? You climbed onto the suits like the usual exoskeleton, they comfortably housed even those wearing armor already. They enveloped the whole being in an embrace, squeezing hard at the joints and then releasing as it completely sealed off the exterior, cyclying its own atmosphere with a device that was clearly not made by BESOL, but still was integrated into the suit like a tumor that jutted off the back.

You boarded the BESOL transport. It was a ship no bigger than 100 meters long, with large cannisters hanging off its sides. What it transported was of little matter to you, but you found your temporary stay in an internal atrium, its bottom retrofitted with a gate that could be opened with the push of a button, and a small screen that displayed the outside world amidst a mess of thick black cables that pulsated and enamel-white plates. The ship lifted off the ground, hovering, and then bolted off the hangar with haste, for the rains drew nigh.

After the initial strain of keeping oneself afoot at the rapidly accelerating vehicle, you could look through the monitor to see the outside. Underneath the white and black mountainous ranges of clouds pierced through by the large towers was a world immersed in darkness. There was no rain yet, but the expansiveness of the seas was darkened as the sunlight was blocked by the thick black clouds. Sudden thunderbolts lit up the landscape and revealed agitated seas as winds likely blew heavily outside in preparation for the ungodly downpour, the thick and black mist that hanged above the whole planet only got denser and denser as they approached the tower.

Their objective of infiltration was initially a small strand that pierced the sky far away, as it drew closer they saw it not too dissimilar to the one they just left. A massive foundation manifested out of the agitated and corrupt waters,rising from the center was a thick tower, easily passable as a space elevator if this was another planet, but alas, just the standard living block for this planet.
You drew closer.
The space amidst the enamel plates painted with dark red symbols became apparent, an amalgam of black metals, tubes, and various devices, dishes, and struts that jutted outwards, broken by a singular disturbing sight: A large eye with a deep black iris that watched the ship as it came, underneath the whites were tiny ducts barely visible. The cyclopic eye watched the ship with intent, it did not dwarf it with size, but its presence was frightening, to see such a familiar organ in such a displaced location was unsettling, as the whole place was.

Then, the camera grew a bit obfuscated. Then a bit more, large globules accumulated on its surface: Droplets. It had begun. The hatch underneath your feet receeded and revealed the seas underneath you, besides the large foudation, a barely visible but gigantic pipe was apparent, rising smokes from the base were quickly dissipating on the winds and the incoming drizzle, soon to be rain. It was now or never to jump.


    "Call me Aileas." he promptly responded to Azel. "My eyes vent heat, but they are not the primary way of doing such. My mouth and holes along my back are the main ways I may lose excess thermal energy."

    After a moment more of talking, he began to set off, stepping into the fleshy suit with a face and noise of disgust. He rode the transport silently, staring off into the wall, hands clasped behind his back the best he could reach, and simply let out exhales once in a while, a thin cloud of warmth and light following suit.

    As they ever-approached the target tower, Aileas stepped forwards, towards Azel, and shook his head.
    "I swear to the Monarchs that if even a single drop of that forsaken liquid touches my core, i'll slaughter the one who hired me on this mission. But, this suit should keep me dry, no?" he spoke, mostly to himself. "So, Human. What say we jump to our watery graves and make this quest absolute?"

    Peering into the waters below from above the hatch, he raised his fist up beside his head and shook it, mockingly, then fell backwards into the watery abyss.

    • Gose replied to this.

      Gose @Brank

      Azel and her crew began to set off, following closely behind Aileas, and stepping into the fleshy suits. Azel, just like Aileas, was slightly disgusted by this suit. As they rode the transport, she stood next to Aileas silently.

      She smiles as he complains about the liquid. Even if he spoke to himself, she couldn't let herself from making a comment herself. "I have the very same sentiment, Aileas. However, even if I would want to slaughter them, I believe I would be dead from a single droplet, as a human." She was probably right, and you could sense some slight fear in her, but that wouldn't stop her from this mission.

      She nodded to her crew as Aileas jumped first, Azel and her crew followed closely behind. Some of her crew hesitated slightly but had faith in their leader.

        Namek Brank
        The descent is from a great height. About 2 kilometers above the monolithic foundations of the building, the pipes are visible but a hard part to land on directly, you jump out of the ship amidst the soft sounds of starting rainfall, as the large eye closes itself in response to the rain. You are thrown into freefall and the world falls into silence, occupied by nothing but the softest hints of wind brushing against the large BioSuit.

        Then impact, You hit against the water with might, and are blown back into the soft cushioning of the suit. The suit inflates in response and absorbs a good portion of the shockwave, water raises in a splash and you quickly sink down and down, dragged by the bizarre viscosity of the liquid, not quite as fluid as expected but much more fluid than it appeared. There is no trouble, even in the agitated seas, in rising up towards the lip of the pipe, as the water slowly rises to meet it.

        The rain accentuates more, what was a drizzle once you dropped is now full rain, the towers in the distance already occulted by the drops. You are wiser than to see how much stronger it'll get, as such, you run down the pipe with haste and make way into the inside of the factory. As you progress down the pipe, the rain besides you only grows louder and louder in volume. A piece of scaffolding allows you to descend deeper into the pipe, as an automatic gate bars the water from venturing deeper with you with its bluish metal teeth. Despite the safety of the gate, the rain can still be heard from outside.

        The scaffold opens up to a tremendously large atrium, square pillars rise up to a high ceiling that you came from, dissapearing into the darkness. It must be one of the water reservoirs, empty as promised. Far away, machinery seems to unfold from an opposite wall, slowly stretching itself into the large atrium and spraying all walls with a substance. The rain outside is thunderous even in here, and the machine doesn't seem to follow any particular security functions.


          Aileas grunted as he slammed against the water, bouncing inside the suit with ease. Keeping silent, he grabbed onto the pipe and heaved himself up- although not without trouble. His feet stepped through the wetness of the pipe as he arrived at the watergate, pushing through and into the Atrium.

          With a silent scoff, he brought up his sword-arm in a wide arc, slicing cleanly through the suit as it fell into a heap around him, the alaaxi shuddering and shaking around as he stepped out of the sopping pile. With a flick of his 'wrist', the driplets of toxic water were slung off of his blade's edge. His head turned behind him, towards Azel, his glowing lips curled up into a half-smirk.

          "Well then, Human friend. Might we set off on our mission?"

            Gose Brank

            As Azel leaped from the sky, and dove into the ocean of toxic liquid, she tried to stay calm. She has done many different kinds of missions, but this was a rather unique experience. She descended into the pipe, closely following Aileas with her crew close behind her. As they were separated from the water with these gates, she was still rather worried.

            Once they were in the water reservoirs, she looked around for a potential way out. She exited the suit with care, making sure not even a single drip touches her body. Her crew tried to do the same, but one drip fell on the head of one of them.

            As the machinery revealed itself, Azel looked at Aileas with an annoyed expression. "I don't think this is a good sign, I suspect it is preparing for the toxic liquid.

            Have you seen a way out yet? Maybe from where the machinery came from?"

              Brank Namek
              The machinery continues its toil as though you weren't there, unaware of your presence as yet from now. They crawl on metal railings that extrude outwards from the darkness in telescoping manners, carrying a bulbous bulk amidst the center spraying cones of content onto the dry wall.

              The droplet of liquid falls atop the man's head. Nothing happens. Perhaps the dangers were overstated, or only towards the beings crafted by BESOL? It quickly nestles within the scalp.

              The suits flop downwards at the floor, flaccid from the strain of the impact, as well as by design of their expendable nature. A putrid smell fills the air, a mix of what smells like gasoline and an acrid stench, sizzling from the suit in thin wisps of white content. One'd presume that it was the liquid doing its work, already eroding the suits away from exposure.

              The atrium lay ahead of the group. Towards the machinery's direction was an access shaft that went upwards. This large holding area was for the coolant liquid, and would not be filled for a few hours, as the machinery went into dormancy for the next industrial cycle. You are reminded of the existence of the rain, the booming only grows louder, the ground underneath your feet trembles from the cascades of water hitting the sturdy foundation of the monolithic tower, yet it doesn't seem to relent, only growing louder and more violent. At this point, you get the impression that being under fire would be preferable than crushed by the weight of this violent rainfall.

              Time was of the essence. The group needed to get moving now, or risk internal security catching them idling within the tower before they were even close to the laboratories, which, according to the map, were a few hundred meters almost directly upwards.

                4 days later

                Gose Namek
                "Looks like the machines came from that access shaft. That's where we need to go" replied Aileas, walking further into the room.

                He searched around, careful to avoid direct sightlines as he hoped to find a way up into the access shaft. After a while, he stepped towards the middle of the room and searched for some sort of ledge to grab or ladder to take, then sent an electric signal to the small booster jets on his wrists and feet, signalling them to rocket him several feet into the air.

                Yellow shot beneath him as hot plasma scorched the metal at his feet, pushing him just over half a dozen feet into the air, over two metres. As he hung in the air, he looked towards the nearest ledge to grab onto, and prepared the jumpdrive hooked to his back.

                And with a flash, he blinked in and out of existance.

                  Gose Brank

                  Azel nodded in agreement, as she had the very same idea. The machinery must be fragile, and be hidden away safely as the water floods in. She also looked around, checking if magnets stuck to the walls and pillars. She signals her crew to look around and find a way to reach the top.

                  If the walls were magnetic, she and her crew would use them to run upwards with their magnetic equipment. If it weren't the case, their suits can give off strong pulses, which would fling them in the desired direction. Upwards, if needed. They made haste, as time is of the essence.

                  • Gose replied to this.
                    6 days later

                    Brank Namek
                    The access shaft was no glorious tunnel. It was a tight space, filled by either machinery or pipes that ran across is length, with consideration for the movement of perhaps one person of below average size. The fit was tight, but still, all could make through, as the walls and pipes were all lightly or strongly magnetic, movement upwards was not difficult.
                    Buzzing static filled the air as you went upwards. Finally, you came upon a hatch which undid itself with relative ease, opening your atrium to what was described as an "Industrial area" with a strong gust of wind upwards. It was quickly revealed to you the nature of the environment you stepped into.

                    Thick cables ran across a narrow square tunnel, only broken through by large coils that jutted out of the walls, periodically flickering. The air was filled with static, holographic devices were hardly readable and electronics tempted to give out before automatic systems brought their voltage into normality. This was the tower's main transistor array, connecting the majority of the energy production to the majority of the energy consumption through one main jugular that they just so happened to stumble upon.

                    Transitioning within the area was tricky. It was kept at a lower atmospheric pressure, thus breathing was hard outside of the suits. Some spaces were cramped, and some were open but filled with exposed electric devices that threatened to disintegrate whoever touched them. After a few minutes of careful advances, you come upon a tall circular room populated by numerous access tunnels, with hundreds of boxes jutting out the sides, barely accessible, and a large fan at the very top.
                    Circulating one of the boxes which lay open along roughly the centerline of the room are three humanoids. They are stubby but of bulky build, sporting various equipment tied to them by the way of belts and pouches, with a few boxes scattered around them. They speak, their voices barely audible through the thin atmosphere and the bizarre language of the beings, but understood by translators provided by your contractor.

                    "Gawdamned meggots, ther' eatin' thru the conductive systum, boogers luv' the taste o' it a'reckon." - One of them expresses with frustation, meanwhile, another one, that seems to be doing no work but watching over, replies:

                    "Nah, don't think that's it. Must be the labs above, they be makin' all kinds of nasty shit up there, some get here, fo'sho."
                    They show no signs at stopping discussing what made them have to fix that junction box, but nevertheless, they sit right besides the tunnel you take to get into the labs.

                      5 days later

                      Gose @Brank

                      The crew was quite content with the magnetic walls, making the job a little easier, however, they still moved carefully. One misstep could risk the entire mission or their lives. Once all gathered near the hatch, they moved forward. Azel and her crew disabled a few pieces of electric equipment integrated into their armor, which could get the risk of getting electrified more likely.

                      Once they get to the circular room, Azel and her crew quickly tried to get out of view from these 3 humanoids, closely listening to their conversation. Once she recognized the situation, she pondered for a moment.

                      She suggested to Aileas a way to distract them, by throwing a small object into one of the numerous tunnels. Since they search for a maggot of sorts, they might be drawn to the location. As time goes on, Azel and her crew slowly get tired over time, thanks to the atmosphere.

                        4 days later

                        Gose Namek

                        Aileas dimmed down slightly, holding back his light to avoid becoming a beacon for the three humanoids to look at. He nodded to Azel.

                        "I can... I can form something up, give me some time to reposition. When they... get distracted, you'd better decide quickly. What you want to do with them, that is. Be it striking them down, or running past them. I'll catch up with you." he replied, his voice turning into a slight slurring tone, some of his words melding together.

                        He began to sprint off into one of the side tunnels, soft plumes of hot air cushioning his footsteps from the hard ground, giving him a much quieter sense of movement. Once he was a ways away from Azel and her crew, he began to draw from his power reserves. With a soft, quiet wincing, cracks began to form around one of his wrists, crackling slowly as his face contorted into an expression of pain, and agony. After a few more moments, his left hand fell from his arm, into his right; light and heat poured out of the cavity left behind like a cloud, the approximate of bleeding, although it was more beneficial than when a human were to bleed. He pulled back his shoulder, and chucked it as hard as he could deep into the tunnel, aiming to hit a metal pipe around the corner from the humanoids in order to produce a loud clang.

                        The hole in his wrist quickly formed over with a very thin layer of hardlight, and he turned around, returning to a sprint back to Azel, hoping to make it away before the three humanoids discovered him at the source of the noise.

                        • Gose replied to this.
                          4 days later

                          Namek Brank
                          There are a few seconds of quietness as the light travels down the cable-laiden hall, before it hits a large and prominent pipe in the end painted with different numbers and codes and the likes. A loud clang echoes from down the hall, followed by the noise of a loud voltaic arc, as the hardlight piece deflects off the pipe and connects with one of the exposed transformers. The noise is thunderous and the hall is lit for a split second.

                          Safe to say, their attention was gotten, the initial clang tilts one of their heads: "Hey, I heard so--" -but before the one watching over can finish his sentence, the arc silences him. There are a few moments of quietness, before the three of them look at eachother. A split second of awkwardness sets in, the one that was operating the junction box then intervenes:

                          "Well, durned thang's probabably dead now. We gotta get a move on fore' they send us to fix whatever broke down ther'"
                          The one watching tries to get a reply out, but the first one hushes him: "Ain't our problem now lad". They deliver a few tools to metal cases, and close the box, before heading off down through one of the exits and dissapearing within the darkness, none the wiser.

                          Without anything to block your path, you push onwards and onto another narrow tunnel filled to the brim with thick cables and the occassional exposed ultra-high voltage transformer, or random metal pipe carrying god-knows-what fluid through the building. Eventually, you climb upwards again, and reach a small offshoot in what appears to be an endless shaft upwards, exposing a singular small door. You open with difficulty, as it has seemingly been closed for a long while, and reveal the laboratories you looked for, the door closing behind you as the rushing wind into the low pressure shaft drags it.

                          It is a violent contrast with all of what you have seen until now. The laboratories are blindingly white, formed of large marble-like square panels, separated by small streaks of hidden cabling and vents, or simply metal. It is like a large corridor, on one side, the walls are dragged downwards diagonally into large diagonal slits built like parallelograms into the ground, with little concern for accessibility, the walls of these slits are lined with cylinders filled with green liquid, shapes floating amidst them. On the other side, large hexagonic plates move behind thick glasses, carrying pulsing flesh amidst their ivory white structure, or different kinds of tissue.
                          At the very end of the room, there is a large half-cyllinder embedded diagonally into the wall, several consoles build along its side of into the walls that flank it, a shape floating amidst its thick green liquid, it appears that that is your target.

                            10 days later


                            Walking through the corridors, Aileas began to cautiously looking around, brandishing his sword-arm and the hardlight-gun arm as he checked corners.

                            "Azel, you likely understand this technology far greater than I do," he said, walking up to the consoles, "but I may be able to get you in a bit easier. Let me hook up to the computers and provide the external power for overrides, while you try and access and get this tank open."

                            He placed his hand on one of the many consoles, and snaking hardlight noodle-like appendages began to stream out of his fingers and into the circuitry of the machine.

                            He waited for azel, and prepared to deliver energy from his core.

                            • Gose replied to this.
                              9 days later

                              You invade into this bizarre production space, moving silently through the large hallway of white machinery, reaching the consoles quickly. Closer now to the vat, you see the shape is humanoid, like the others along the tunnels that bore diagonally downwards, but likely of special importance. A plaque at the base of the vat reads, in BESOL's language, "Chromatic".

                              "Damnit, alright. Keep the connection stable, I will see what I can do, their computation has architecture that I'm not too familiar with." - Azel says, then, she moves onto the consoles together with Aileas. The rest of the human group scatters around the place, trying to find ways to keep them both secure.

                              The BioMechanical micromachinery deconstructs the scapel and infiltrates the bloodstream, its action is minute enough so that the nervous system doesn't detect small quantities. That is why, when one of the humans peers over the diagonal tunnels, the soot that's built atop his head from the single droplet percolates into the outside of his brain, sending him into shock. He convulses, his torso flung forwards, loosing his grip onto the ground he falls obliquely within the hole in a loud clang, dissapearing within the darkness.

                              Azel turns around, almost immediately noticing the missing group member and looking at the diagonal abyss. One of the others scurries over and looks downwards. she shouts: "Was that Nereas? Shit, we gotta see if -- She is cut short as two loud noises like gunfire explode from the abyss, the man that peered over the hole vanishes from where he stands, now finding himself dead and pinned to the ceiling by two large orange metallic spears with symbols at the ends. The room is submerged in a deep red, and the cacophony of an alarm rings out.


                                "LIGHTSPAWN!" cries out Aileas, pulling away from the console. With a swift motion, he tucks his standard arms against his body, giving his sword and hardlight-cannon arms full mobility.

                                Two of Azel's soldiers dead. One killed in a sudden, convulsive way- based on Aileas' basic understanding of human biology, something probably happened to his brain or muscles. The other, pinned by copper-coloured spears. Whatever threw them was about to have a bad day, he thought to himself, and called out to Azel over the screaming alarm.


                                He began to creep around the ledge, keeping his distance and pacing in a half-circle motion. He began nodding towards the two remaining soldiers to get their attention." Get away from the ledge, and be ready for something to appear," he firmly stated- no, commanded, and kept an eye steeled upon the pit, while his other glowing mass of light he calls an eye began to dart around the room, trying to make sure nothing was flanking them.

                                "...bring it on..." he whispered to himself, gritting his hardlight teeth.

                                • Gose replied to this.
                                  a month later


                                  Azel is distracted by the speed at which her men fall. She looks at the console, full of what could almost be described as gibberish to her. She looks at her group, now reduced to six members, showing orders:

                                  "YOU TWO! Come help me open this thing. The rest WORK WITH AILEAS!".
                                  She bolts from the console, disconnecting her equipment, as she realises that there's little chance of hacking the thing open before more enemies show up. Two of the mercenaries dash towards Azel, and the three gather around the large tube, they inspect the sides and soon find connections, taking their weaponry to the joints, they start prying the tube open, the green liquid leaks through the small gaps.

                                  Meanwhile, the other four gather around Aileas, turned towards the hole. Two of them mustered small sideweapons, while the other two acquired larger weaponry from within their backpacks and suitcases, some kind of advanced heavy assault rifle, brought in the case of a situation just like this.
                                  The other holes, and this one too, started to close, large white slabs ran across, meeting at the center with metallic jaws. The spears atop, nailed to the ceiling, moved, and darted towards the closing hole, pulled in by forces unseeing. A loud boom echoes from within, again like gunfire, and the spears are caught midair by a moving shape, which perches hanging upside down at the ceiling.
                                  Their foe presented, it moves side-to-side, almost like a spider, clicking the members that jut from its head, and observing the group with a multitude of small red eyes. It holds the spears within four large arms, which twitch from target to target on the group.

                                    14 days later


                                    "It seems the beast has revealed itself," he spoke firmly and quietly, brandishing his sword arm. He 'exhaled' a cloud of yellowish heat and locked his glowing orbs of heat and light that served as eyes onto the thing. He nodded to the soldiers beside him, and spoke quietly.

                                    "Keep moving, spread out. Give it no parse, no chance to strike, and show no mercy, for it will not give us that courtesy. Go!"

                                    He zipped forwards in a flash of light as his jump drive fired up, appearing him half as far as he was before to the side of the creature, where he then charged the rest of the half on foot. A shard of hardlight careened from the gunlike shape on his arm, and he raised his arm up, ready to swing the impossibly sharp blade towards the creature.

                                    • Gose replied to this.
                                      16 days later

                                      The readies one of its arm, pulling it back as if ratcheting it, and as soon as it is about to be thrown, a loud thud echoes from underneath, its arm flings wildly and the spear goes amiss into the ground.
                                      The second arm targets the perpetrator, one of the men on the ground readied a large energy weapon, he aims again to fire it again before Aileas barely manages to cut its other arm off at the tip. The spear flies off and hits the man in a glancing blow.

                                      The creature jumps back with surprising speed again, leaving Aileas behind.

                                      Meanwhile, Azel strains again the plexiglass of the vat, with a final combined push, it flies off the slanted surface and the thick liquid pours from it into the ground.
                                      The figure inside is humanoid but severely reduced, a tangle of strands of organic-like matter makes its rough sillouette. Azel does not think twice, the men that helped her charge towards the wall and plant a large breaching charge, before she musters up bizarre injector gun and shoves into the humanoid figure.
                                      The gun extracts a small ammount of material and stores it, the charges go off and thread a hole into the thick wall of the room, revealing the path of escape.

                                      "FALL BACK, WE HAVE TO HEAD TO EXTRACTION" She yells before bolting for the hole, only stopping to shoot the large bug-like guard that Aileas fights, the subcalibre rounds inneffective.

                                        6 days later


                                        Aileas grunted and silently acknowledged Azel. He jumped back with his drivepack, and fired off another pair of shots towards the thing. Then, he sprinted towards the opening in the wall. Hot air and hardlight dust was pouring out of his eyes and vents on his back at this point, the heat produced by two subsequent jumps overflowing. He needed to exude more heat from his core soon, but it'd have to wait till they escaped. Aileas made sure he was the last one in the hole, and made sure the thing wasnt following them.

                                        • Gose replied to this.

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