Namek Brank
There are a few seconds of quietness as the light travels down the cable-laiden hall, before it hits a large and prominent pipe in the end painted with different numbers and codes and the likes. A loud clang echoes from down the hall, followed by the noise of a loud voltaic arc, as the hardlight piece deflects off the pipe and connects with one of the exposed transformers. The noise is thunderous and the hall is lit for a split second.
Safe to say, their attention was gotten, the initial clang tilts one of their heads: "Hey, I heard so--" -but before the one watching over can finish his sentence, the arc silences him. There are a few moments of quietness, before the three of them look at eachother. A split second of awkwardness sets in, the one that was operating the junction box then intervenes:
"Well, durned thang's probabably dead now. We gotta get a move on fore' they send us to fix whatever broke down ther'"
The one watching tries to get a reply out, but the first one hushes him: "Ain't our problem now lad". They deliver a few tools to metal cases, and close the box, before heading off down through one of the exits and dissapearing within the darkness, none the wiser.
Without anything to block your path, you push onwards and onto another narrow tunnel filled to the brim with thick cables and the occassional exposed ultra-high voltage transformer, or random metal pipe carrying god-knows-what fluid through the building. Eventually, you climb upwards again, and reach a small offshoot in what appears to be an endless shaft upwards, exposing a singular small door. You open with difficulty, as it has seemingly been closed for a long while, and reveal the laboratories you looked for, the door closing behind you as the rushing wind into the low pressure shaft drags it.
It is a violent contrast with all of what you have seen until now. The laboratories are blindingly white, formed of large marble-like square panels, separated by small streaks of hidden cabling and vents, or simply metal. It is like a large corridor, on one side, the walls are dragged downwards diagonally into large diagonal slits built like parallelograms into the ground, with little concern for accessibility, the walls of these slits are lined with cylinders filled with green liquid, shapes floating amidst them. On the other side, large hexagonic plates move behind thick glasses, carrying pulsing flesh amidst their ivory white structure, or different kinds of tissue.
At the very end of the room, there is a large half-cyllinder embedded diagonally into the wall, several consoles build along its side of into the walls that flank it, a shape floating amidst its thick green liquid, it appears that that is your target.