This is simply a continuation of a meeting that was ongoing on the old forums, not much to see here.
Proper revamped VWP sheet coming soon(tm)
This is simply a continuation of a meeting that was ongoing on the old forums, not much to see here.
Proper revamped VWP sheet coming soon(tm)
"Ah yes. Living weapons. Artificial beings."
He frowns.
"If they are as... powerful as you say, then how was it captured? Perhaps it Chose to go with them, hmmm? And these... Quinnits. Were they commanding the starfighter that destroyed the escort frigate?"
The Vaiaelon diplomat's ears folded back, his tail stopped swishing about, and he seemed to almost sink into his seat slightly, he was clearly displeased. Using one of his many implants, he gave a signal to the Qunit that had just arrived on station.
K: "While I don't appreciate your tone, I'm willing overlook that for now. How they captured it is a good question indeed. The only way they could've known of the transport's location was if they'd somehow gained access to the file detailing its information. Therein lies the currently working containment protocols, so its possible they created some way of restricting it. How they acquired this information remains unknown, but needless to say investigations are ongoing."
"The exact unit in question is in fact a faulty model with several classified issues that prevent it from being an effective combat unit. It is thusly not impossible that a well trained squad of soldiers would be able to overpower it, given the right equipment. As for your remark about choice... these creatures do not have choice. They are weapons, are aware of this fact, and do what they are told without question. The very notion that one would choose to rebel against us is, well... preposterous."
A slight smile betrayed the corners of his mouth.
"We actually do have a name for these occurrences, you know; "Chipped Blade". A state in which a Qunit or technology pertaining to Qunit creation is compromised. When such a situation is declared, all bets are off. Everything must be done to prevent the technology falling into the wrong hands, even if it means destroying a Qunit. So yes, a Qunit was indeed piloting the strike craft that disabled the Dominion ship, though if you have further questions regarding that, don't bother with me... why not ask her yourself?"
On demand, Ekkehard became aware of a presence behind him, though he hadn't noticed anyone enter the room. Light seemed to bend and distort and voices mumbled whispers softly in his ears when he turned to face it, but reality was still clear enough to make out the towering stature of what could only be a Qunit. It was clad in thick plated and advanced looking power armour, though the visible tail and overall proportions made it clear that underneath was a Vaiaelon of some description. It was leaning on the wall, arms folded, and staring at Ekkehard intently through the sensor-laden helmet.
K: "Don't worry, she isn't here to assassinate you, else you'd have been dead before we even spoke. I requested she come here to give you a proper sense of just what it is we're dealing with... and why the Dominion acquiring one is an unacceptable risk."
As the Qunit enters the room, he considers his situation for a second.
Should I reveal myself... No. Not yet.
Not flinching, despite the sudden appearance of the Qunit, he rises.
"You must be the... pilot who captained the... blades in our skirmish."
Even though he looks normal, something seems... off in the way he holds himself. Too confident, with no fear in his posture.
Meanwhile, in the hangar, the translation efforts have been successful, and the garmilas script has been translated. All of the kill markers upon the aircraft have been meticulously dated with both year and campaign. All are quite old, with some even going back several thousand years, and the newest being about 300 years ago.
The Qunit made no obvious reaction to the man. In fact, she didn't seem to move at all, only her head shifting slightly to remain looking at him, and look at him he did. Every aspect of his being was observed to the minutiae, hiding anything on or even in his body became impossible.
She responded eventually, her voice preceded by an increase in volume of the whispers in the moments before her words struck, and her words laden with a heavy yet implacable accent.
F13Y1: "That was indeed myself, human. I do hope you have more interesting questions beyond what you already know."
He smiles, a small little, slightly disturbing smile.
"Indeed. I do have a great many questions."
Something about him still feels... off. Like they are missing something.
"As of this time, what would compel us to make a treaty or alliance with you? What do you have to offer that would be greater than your opponent?"
Again, the Qunit barely moved a centimeter when responding.
F: "That is beyond my realm of comment."
Her brief piece said, she glanced back to Kotaii, who cleared his throat.
K: "Well, bluntly put, you'd be on the right side of history. The Dominion are an empire descended from Thrawn's Infinite Empire and the High Imperium; two nations whose violent histories have coated this galaxy in volumes of blood measured by star system. This latest incident is a clear sign that they have every intention of continuing in their forebears' footsteps."
"If you are more concerned with material gain from an alliance, then I must confess we cannot offer you the same technological aid the Dominion may. However, what we can offer is much better, and more importantly secure, standing on the international stage through diplomatic and economic benefits. Tell me, which do you think would be more conducive to your people thriving in this galaxy?"
"Which would be more conductive you say? I presume that you are... aware of our agreement with the GSR? The Neu Garmillas Empire already has ties with the Dominion though them. Perhaps it would be more beneficial? Considering the conflict, we are leaning towards proffering an alliance with them."
He smiles.
"Of course, if you have any other reasons for us to ally with you, now would be the time to tell us. Our patience is not unlimited, you know."
To F13Y1, he would still seem somewhat odd, as if they did not know something they should about him.
Kotaii began to laugh at what he believed to be a joke, before seeing the expression on the man's face.
K: "Oh... Oh my you're serious aren't you? Need I remind you that it was you who came to us wishing to talk? Do not speak of patience as though we are the ones who need you. It would be preferable to not need to fight you alongside the Dominion, but it is not a necessity."
"And that comment on the Dominion's assured victory... are you truly certain about that? Our navy stands hundreds of warships strong, encompassing theirs several times over. The difference in technology is another matter entirely, the results of which you are literally face to face with, and still you believe the Dominion stands a chance? I don't know whether to call you adamant or insane..."
He raises his eyebrow.
"Your proposal is... attractive, I will admit. However, we are not willing to break our prior agreements with the GSR. But, if you are willing to offer a proposal that will respect these agreements..."
Kotaii settled back down in his seat, satisfied his counterpart was finally giving some ground.
K: "We are aware of your agreement with the Germans, yes, though not the precise details. While it is true that our peoples have a... troubled past, and that the current Regime governance wishes to take a stance firmly in opposition to us, we ourselves do not harbour much of a grudge against them."
"Our conflict with them was purely one of grim necessity you see; we did not wish to see their potentially devastating philosophies be what led galactic relations going forward. Thus, we knocked them down a few pegs, granted not without help and some fortunate happenstance, and took their centric role on the galactic stage. With that said and done however, we no longer have much reason to truly fear their ambitions. In the time it took them to rebuild, we have managed to close and reopen the tech gap in our favour, and our military stands stronger than ever."
He chuckled lightly to himself. "All of that is a long winded way of saying, so long as they do nothing brash, we have no problems negotiating terms with an ally of the GSR. We will, however, continue our campaigns against the remaining Dominion Warlords, with or without you at our side. Keep that in mind."
He turns away, considering things, then sighs.
I am truly sorry. I am afraid that it could never have happened. I must go.
He begins walking back to the hangar, clearly intending to leave.
The smooth composure of the VWP diplomat faltered, and he rose out of his seat.
K: "I... what? Just like that? I don't understand, have I offended you in some way? It seemed to me like we were getting somewhere here, we can still get somewhere! If you know what's good for your people then please, do not squander this opportunity."
He turned, a sad smile on his face. Outside, the Neu Garmillas warships began to angle away, heading back to their home with all speed.
I never intended to truly negotiate, though it was quite enlightening seeing your pilot. The decision had already been made, I fear.
He sighs, his face seeming lost in a distant past.
I wish your pilot luck.
Henceforth upon this day and hour, the Neu Garmillas Empire declares war upon the Vaiaelon War Pact.
He bows to F13Y1, and turns.
Farewell, time-wanderer. May we meet again in battle.
He turns, and begins to board his fighter.
F13Y1 chuckled to herself, before raising her hand towards the hangar bay Ekkehard now walked towards. She could see the molecules making up the embarrassing excuse for a fighter he'd arrived in. She had time before the interdiction raised, it would be so easy to grab it and scatter it to the stars like dust on the wind. She began the Qswitch tracing protocols, before Kotaii rested his paw on her outstretched limb.
K: "Let him leave. It is as he said; the decision was pre-determined. What Garmillas wished to achieve here we may never know."
F: "He just declared war, and you wish to let him leave?"
K: "Humans have a saying dating back to their early history pertaining to warfare, something about not shooting the messenger. They'd disapprove if we disobeyed what is to them a fundamental tenet of war."
F: "...Odd creatures."
K: "Quite, but that's why it's my job to understand them, not yours."
Indeed, no measures were taken to stop the NGE forces as they departed. Shots were not fired and interdiction was not raised. Destroyers were dispatched to escort them to the system's edge, and their guns remained trained on the NGE ships, but again no rounds were fired.
As he left, F13Y1 would notice something odd. Despite being in obvious danger, with enemies surrounding him, Ekkehard did not turn back, did not show even a slightest bit of worry. It was almost as if he knew something they didnt.
Ekkehard boarded his fighter, climbing is and stating the engine. The Debake streaked out of the Vaiaelon warship, and cruised towards the Garmillas fleet. Then, about halfway between the two fleets, it disappeared, all trace of the fighter gone.
At the same time, the garmillas ships were accelerating, driving for the system edge as fast as their drives would take them.
F13Y1 saw much the same as the other Vaiaelons, except a tiny, insignificant dimensional rift, just about the same spot where the fighter disappeared.
Even before the NGE ships were done exiting the system, preparations for war began behind the scenes. Summernoise chuckled to herself within her digital realm, a wry smile spreading across her lips as she reviewed the meeting from Kotaii's perspective. Once again her analysis of mankind was proving correct.
Across the VWP, the immense war machine of the VSA roused from its slumber. Contracts were quietly drawn up with the military industrial complex, orbital shipyards began systems analysis's, and navy crews were mustered to station.
S: "Well met, Garmillas. Let us see now if you are able to take the beast you've challenged~"
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